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Condensation is the most common cause of mould within a property. The first sign of condensation mould is usually the mould growth on permeable surfaces, such as walls and ceilings. Condensation will occur on these surfaces when extremes of temperatures occur.

High humidity mould is most common in bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. The drying of clothes releases moisture into the air, which may cause or exacerbate the problem. Having windows and interior doors closed prevents the air naturally circulating around the house, which will also affect levels of moisture.

High humidity mould caused by condensation is normally seasonally occurring during the colder months when windows may be shut and clothing dried inside the property, usually between October and April. During the summer months, it tends not to be an issue as windows are open more frequently and clothes can be dried outside. In addition, the outside temperature is closer to that inside which also helps reduce condensation.

Poor ventilation causes water vapour to build up within a property, mainly caused by cooking and drying clothes inside without effective air circulation. Thankfully, high humidity mould can easily be prevented by tenants, without the need for external expertise (unless a problem is allowed to worsen).

Method 1 – Improve ventilation

This is the simplest method of preventing mould growth. Opening a window slightly for an hour or so each morning or after showering will allow clean dry air to enter the house, circulate and replace the moisture-rich air within the room. However, please ensure the windows, when left open, are not left unattended, or are open but securely locked in the ajar position. It is the tenant’s responsibility to secure the property and make sure it is not compromised by windows being left open for ventilation. This should be done all year round. In bathrooms where extractor fans have been installed, ensure that they are working properly and not switched off.

Method 2 – Improve heating

To remove the moisture from the air, in addition to proper and effective ventilation, a slight gradual increase in low-level background heating will allow the surfaces to warm slightly to reduce the risk of water vapour condensing on a cold surface. It will also warm the air temperature reducing the amount of water vapour, therefore, removing the problem entirely.

To remove the black mould build-up, we highly recommend HG Mould Remover Spray (found on Amazon or any reputable hardware store). Please note this will only firefight the problem, not stop the cause.

Further information can be found on the Sheffield City Council website.

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