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At Place Properties, we understand that money is important to our tenants and they want as little fuss as possible when moving out. A key part of ensuring your deposit is returned in full is to leave the property as it was at the start of your tenancy.

To help achieve this we have created a comprehensive guide cleaning:


  • Carpets to vacuumed, professionally cleaned (as per your ASTA) and any hard floors mopped. Place Properties require a copy of the carpet clean, as proof of the work being carried out. It is a tenants responsibility to ensure the professionals they employ clean under and behind furniture and put it back in situ
  • Picture hooks, posters, drawing pins and Bluetac to be removed. Damage caused to be ‘made good’ to a professional standard
  • All surfaces including windows, desks, shelves, skirting boards (including behind furniture) to be thoroughly cleaned
  • Cupboards, draws and bedroom furniture to be thoroughly cleaned inside and out
  • Dust cobwebs from lights and ceilings
  • Belongings and unwanted items to be removed from the property
  • Position furniture and hang curtains in original locations if moved


  • Thoroughly clean all sinks, showers (including the showerhead), baths and toilets. Grout and silicone needs to be mould free, we recommend HG Mould Spray to remove (found on Amazon or any reputable hardware store)
  • Remove hair from plug holes using Mr Muscle Drain Unblocker or similar
  • Wash floors, clean mirrors, cabinets and bins
  • Purchase and fit new shower curtain and bathmats if in poor condition
  • Wipe down walls, splashbacks, windows and skirting boards (including behind the toilets and sinks)
  • Clean floor


  • Ovens, cookers, microwaves to be thoroughly cleaned inside and out. Please note we may require ovens professional cleaned, if not as they were on arrival. Check the inventory and conditions with your ASTA
  • Surfaces, sinks and floors to be cleaned using antibacterial spray
  • Cupboards, draws and units to be cleaned inside and out
  • Unwanted food, rubbish, and portable appliances belonging to tenants (kettle, toaster etc) to be removed
  • Fridge and freezers should be both defrosted and thoroughly cleaned inside and out and the doors left open to prevent mould build-up


  • Carpets and flooring to be vacuumed and professionally cleaned (see above) and or mopped
  • Picture hooks, posters, drawing pins and Bluetac to be removed. Damage caused to be ‘made good’
  • All surfaces including windows, skirting boards (including behind furniture), shelves, furniture to be cleaned (any stains removed)
  • Vacuum under the cushions on the sofas


  • To be clean and tidy with no unwanted belongings or rubbish


  • Remove your rubbish bags, boxes, bottles, unwanted personal furniture and electrical items (e.g. TVs) from the property. Any additional items not listed on the inventory, there will be a charge for removal
  • Empty vacuum cleaner
  • Make sure the vacuum is in good order before you leave – contact us if a repair is necessary
  • Smoke detectors and fire doors should be left in good working order
  • Tenants must inform Place Properties of any damage to the property in good time to allow repair before new tenants move in
  • Tenants will be charged for:
    – Removal of unwanted electrical items, duvet, pillars and personal furniture
    – Bulb replacement – £10 per bulb
    – The cleaning of a dirty property

Remember if sharing a house, you will be jointly responsible and it is in all your interests to carry out the above.

Once we have carried out a full inspection of the property, you and your lead tenant will be informed of any deductions via email. We will forward the repayment via the DPS, where your deposit is held – please visit www.depositprotection.com for full information.

Please note – the DPS will require a response from you to reissue your deposit, via their website. We do not hold private account information so contact the DPS directly on 0330 303 0030 for further advice.

If both the landlord and tenant agree on the deposit distribution, deposits can usually be returned within 10 working days.

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